IPPIS Staff Data Capture Holds In CRIN

The IPPIS officials attending to the staff

IPPIS Staff Data Capture Holds In CRIN

The Integrated Personnel Payroll Information system (IPPIS) data capture of the staff of the Institute held on Thursday 9th December, 2021. This exercise, which was geared towards the update of IPPIS database with the details of the staff in the Federal Government payroll in Nigeria, drew the staff from Ajassor, Ibeku and Uhonmora Substations of the Institute to the Headquarters in Ibadan. The data capture of the staff at the Owena Substation of the Institute was earlier effected on Monday 6th December, 2021, while the exercise at the Ochaja and Mambilla Substations is to be scheduled at a later date. Three centres: Lawrence Opeke Conference Hall, the Committee Room and the Events Centre in the Institute were designated for the exercise at the Headquarters. The programme lasted for almost twelve hours as the IPPIS staff made spirited efforts towards the early completion of the programme. The Executive Director, Dr. Patrick Adebola, was on hand to ensure the smooth running of the exercise. It is noteworthy that the Substations’ staff were very delighted to meet the ED for the first time. The ED admonished them to continue their good works of representing the Institute well in their respective Substations.


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The Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN) was established in Ibadan, Oyo State on 1st December, 1964 as a successor autonomous rese arch organisation to the Nigerian Substation of the defunct West African Cocoa Research Institute (WACRI)

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